The Greek Community of Melbourne is launching the 2023 Greek History and Culture Seminars series with an engaging lecture on Greek philosophy. The series aims to showcase the rich cultural heritage and history of the Greek community to a wider audience.
Friday, 23 April 2021, 2:51 pm
‘Revamp: writings on secular Buddhism’, is a new book
by Winton Higgins, which will be published by Tuwhiri on 26
April 2021. The book tracks the emergence of secular
Buddhism with a focus on today’s climate emergency and
intensifying social injustice that cry out for radical
socioeconomic and political change. The ethic of care that
underpins a creative dharma practice, he suggests, calls on
us to bring our training to bear on these urgent
‘A living tradition, Buddhism began as a way
of working with the difficulties we all face as mortal,
vulnerable, conscious beings,’ said Winton Higgins. ‘Its
Professor Vrasidas Karalis, from the University of Sydney. Photo: Supplied
23 February 2021 12:30pm
The significance of the Greek Revolution of 1821 has never been questioned and all historiographical tradition persistently explores the realities around its impact of modern Greek nationhood.
Recently a debate has erupted amongst historians about the contribution of the Revolution to the creation of the Greek state and nation.
As a part of the 2021 Greek History and Culture Seminars series, offered by the Greek Community of Melbourne, Professor Vrasidas Karalis from the University of Sydney will present an online lecture titled “Did the Greek Revolution of 1821 really happen? Myths, counter-myths and historical knowledge’, on Thursday 4 March 2021 (7.00pm).