BEDFORD - The Lawrence County Commissioners Tuesday morning granted Highway Superintendent Brandi Webb to close Palestine Road on Wednesday, October 11 for a small structure replacement. Crews will be replacing the deck of the steel deck. Brandi Webb "The road which is a dead end will be cl .
BEDFORD - Highway Superintendent Brandi Webb reported to the commissioners Tuesday morning that crews are finishing up paving work and chip and seal projects. Brandi Webb "They are also working on vegetation control," Webb added. The commissioners complimented Highway Department crews .
BEDFORD - Lawrence County Commissioners will meet on Tuesday, September 12 at 9:30 a.m. The meeting will be held in the Commissioners' room of the Lawrence County Courthouse. On the agenda: Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes for the August 29, 2023, Regular Meeting Approval of Claims .
BEDFORD - The Lawrence County Highway Department is down four employees, according to Highway Superintendent Brandi Webb. Brandi Webb "We are down three truck drivers and a mechanic," added Webb. "We are having a problem getting applicants." Commissioners Wally Branham and Co .
BEDFORD - The Lawrence County Commissioners will meet on Tuesday, August 29. The meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the commissioners' room at the Lawrence County Courthouse. On the agenda: Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes for the August 15, 2023, regular meeting Approval of Claims .