the results of this test are being used by rangers and farmers to devise ways to replenish the water table. in the future this list will be used to be tane water rather than to about to flow that also requires cooperation from local farmers. in coal thousands of merino that in some years the meadow will be too wet and get water logged but we want to cooperate with the ranger association to help preserve life here and we do need the water eventually to. otherwise there won t be enough grass on this meadow for our animals to graze on their views of. the rain today is very welcome retaining water in ditches instead of allowing it to drain away will help plants and animals thrive here in the coming years. exports clean the waters of the future will be fought over one thing water often looking at
average temperature in the capital berlin and the surrounding region has risen by 1.3 degrees celsius that s another reason why groundwater levels are falling. in recent years we ve normally see a level of 50 centimeters in may. so it would reach up to hit. just a few years ago water still flowed in this ditch now it s dry this area has countless touches like these with sluices that help drain the land after frequent heavy rains these days there s hardly any rain at all. this doesn t look good. for the rangers and local farmers are looking for a solution they re planning to turn the drainage ditch into an irrigation ditch the idea is being tested 20 kilometers away. this nature reserve has 7 interconnected bodies of water the whole foods a lake is right in the middle. it s where the brandenburg ranger association has