MON/1-8 Beloit West Branch school board, 3 p.m., high school conference room; special meeting in executive session to interview prospective applicants for vacant board seat; no action to be taken. Village council, 6:45 p.m., village hall, special meeting to interview for vacant council seats; regular meeting to follow at 7 p.m. Columbiana Way Station Grand […]
MON/1-8 Beloit West Branch school board, 3 p.m., high school conference room; special meeting in executive session to interview prospective applicants for vac
MON/1-8 Beloit West Branch school board, 3 p.m., high school conference room; special meeting in executive session to interview prospective applicants for v
MON/1-8 Beloit West Branch school board, 3 p.m., high school conference room; special meeting in executive session to interview prospective applicants for v
Darin Odey sponsering Banquet in Salem Darin Odey will sponsor the dine in or drive thru Banquet in Salem from 5 p.m. until the food is gone Jan. 8 at the Salem Memorial Building. The menu will include fried chicken, diced potatoes with peppers and onions, corn, coleslaw, fresh vegetables and fruit and pudding. Dine […]