it s called crowding out. the government is the most creditworthy entity in the country and they get to borrow first. if they borrow there is less for everyone else to borrow. if a small business wants to borrow some money and the government is borrowing gobs of it there is a little bit left. jenna: that could affect the small business person trying to get capital to do what we want them to do, create jobs. yes. jenna: thank you for being here. jon. jon: you know them for that famous clicking sound, zippo lighters, and american icon, after 80 years of being made in america the company behind them is about to reach a major milestone. rick leventhal live in bran
famous six pack. now we think it s only appropriate that wall street has come to reality. on wall street the villains never get voted off the island. thank you. still ahead here on the dylan ratigan show, how would you feel if mcdonald s was owned by the french or maybe if the germans ran ford? the germans did run chrysler, by the way? we ll see what the british think of an american executive taking over the company formally known as british petroleum. do the same crooks with a different accent make it better? making sure the rich stay that way on your dime. get to work, people. somebody needs a martini somewhere on the boat. cenk uygur with our daily rant, plus we ll take a bite out of the world s most expensive hot dog. we ll eat. we ll tell you how it is. so i m on a red eye back from a bachelor party