Following the horrific train crash in Odisha involving the Bengaluru-Howrah Superfast Express, Railway officials here on Saturday said as per the latest information available, no one from the.
Following the horrific train crash in Odisha involving the Bengaluru-Howrah Superfast Express, Railway officials here on Saturday said as per the latest information available, no one from the reserved coaches got injured or died, while few passengers from the General Seating (GS) coach had some injuries.
Odisha train accident: South Western Railways' officials in Bengaluru said that 994 reserved and nearly 300 unreserved passengers are estimated to have boarded the Bengaluru-Howrah Superfast Express from Sir M Visvesvaraya Terminal (SMVB) on Friday. Two of the GS coaches and Brake Van of the express train that left from SMVB derailed., Bengaluru News, Times Now