Yadav politics seems to be hotting-up in Madhya Pradesh's Guna Lok Sabha constituency, which before 2019 was the impregnable political fort of erstwhile Gwalior State's Scindia royal family.Seven months before the year-end assembly polls in the .
The BJP's Vikas Rath yatra in Madhya Pradesh was held up on Tuesday by an unexpected hitch. It appeared that someone had sprinkled itching powder on a state minister, Brajendra Singh Yadav, at a public meeting.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Wednesday asked the students to send their suggestions saying the next state budget will be dedicated to the youth. India News | Next State Budget Dedicated to Youth: CM Gehlot.
The Income Tax Department teams on Wednesday were raiding around 53 places linked to Rajasthan minister of state, Rajendra Singh Yadav and his relatives.The raids began around 5.30 a.m. A large number of policemen and CRPF personnel were .