Braintree Printing and Peczuh Printing Start 2021 with New Heidelberg Finishing Installations
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From left: Paul Shaver, Heidelberg service technician; Tom Cummings, Heidelberg account manager; Mike Lima, Braintree Printing operator; Jose Tafur, Braintree Printing owner; Jim Corliss, Braintree Printing marketing manager.
Looking to streamline efficiencies throughout their plants, print shops nationwide are turning to Heidelberg’s commercial postpress solutions to upgrade their aging finishing equipment. Both installed in January 2021, the new POLAR 115 cutter at Braintree Printing in Braintree, MA and the new Stahlfolder Ti 36 at Peczuh Printing in Price, UT are significantly improving the productivity and throughput of both companies.
Braintree Printing & Peczuh Printing Start 2021 with New Heidelberg Finishing Installations Looking to streamline efficiencies throughout their plants, print shops nationwide are turning to Heidelbergâs commercial postpress solutions to upgrade their aging finishing equipment
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Left to right: Paul Shaver, Heidelberg Service Technician; Tom Cummings, Heidelberg Account Manager; Mike Lima, Braintree Printing Operator; Jose Tafur, Braintree Printing Owner; Jim Corliss, Braintree Printing Marketing Manager.
Looking to streamline efficiencies throughout their plants, print shops nationwide are turning to Heidelbergâs commercial postpress solutions to upgrade their aging finishing equipment. Both installed in January 2021, the new POLAR 115 cutter at Braintree Printing in Braintree, MA and the new Stahlfolder Ti 36 at Peczuh Printing in Price, UT are significantly improving the pro