My first encounter with Lucinda, an enslaved woman held at Alta Vista Plantation owned by Jared Kirby, came by way of reading her details on Rice University’s SlaveVoyages website.
PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (May 30, 2023) - For Prairie View A&M University Assistant Professor of Geography Ayodeji Iyanda, teaching is about mentoring. “Teaching is about sharing your knowledge,” Iyanda said.
PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (May 19, 2023) – Prairie View A&M University recently honored those who bring excellence to the University. The Reach for Excellence Faculty and Staff Awards Recognition Luncheon on May 2 honored more than a dozen exceptional PVAMU faculty and staff.
PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (May 10, 2023) - Prairie View A&M University is no stranger to the field of health. Just in the past year, the University celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first class to graduate from its College of Nursing.
PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (May 1, 2023) - School districts and higher education institutions around the country are reexamining the place of race in the classroom due to state Republican influence.