Rescuers on Tuesday packed solid food items such as veg pulao and matar paneer for the workers trapped inside the Silkyara tunnel. The cooked meal was sent to trapped workers through the 6-inch-wide alternative lifeline pipe that was laid on Monday evening.
Officials maintained that digging horizontally through the debris of the collapsed section of the Silkyara tunnel remains the focus of the rescue mission | Latest News India
Rescuers on Tuesday packed solid food items such as veg pulao and matar paneer for the workers trapped inside the Silkyara tunnel. The cooked meal was sent to trapped workers through the 6-inch-wide alternative lifeline pipe that was laid on Monday evening.
Location has been identified for vertical drilling to bring out 41 workers trapped inside Silkyara Tunnel, 11 days after the underconstruction structure collapsed. Uttarakhand Tunnel Collapse: Location for Vertical Drilling Identified To Evacuate 41 Workers Trapped Inside Silkyara Tunnel (Watch Video).
The rescuers have drilled about halfway through the debris where 41 workers are still trapped following the collapse of a tunnel in Uttarakhand's Uttarkashi for 11 days, media reports said.