The unit chose to release the Hindi trailer in a grand fashion in the presence of a host of celebrities including Chiranjeevi, Salman Khan and Satya Dev in Mumbai.The
The makers of the much-awaited mega multi-starrer 'GodFather', starring Telugu Megastar Chiranjeevi and Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan, on Saturday released the Hindi trailer of the action entertainer.The unit chose to release the .
The makers of the much-awaited mega multi-starrer 'GodFather', starring Telugu Megastar Chiranjeevi and Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan, on Saturday released
The trailer gives glimpses of what the film is all about. The state s chief minister PKR passes away, leading to questions on succession. While his daughter (Nayanthara) is not interested, his son-in-law (Satya Dev), and a few others in the party are in the midst of a power grab. Brahma (Chiranjeevi), the trusted man of the fallen stalwart, is drawn into the murky affairs and is keen to keep greedy sharks at bay.The