Michael Brannigan: Giving the gift of mercy is a burden - and a liberation
Michael C. Brannigan
This season of light comes with an extraordinarily heavy burden, one that is our choice to accept or not. Amidst the gift-giving, our most difficult though precious offering remains that of mercy. As in the following disturbing parable, this is no light task.
On Oct. 2, 2006, 32 year-old Charles Roberts IV, a local milk truck driver in the rural community of Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, entered the one-room Amish schoolhouse and at gunpoint ordered the adults and all boys to leave. He nailed the doors shut, bound up the ten young girls, ages 6 to 13, and made a last call to his wife. Just as police arrived, he shot the girls at close range and shot himself. 5 girls died and the other 5 were critically injured.
brahamin and if you watch her on the stump she has some skills. she doesn t come off as this cambridge intellectual, very folksy and at the end of the speech this, woman also from oklahoma, rushed up and gave her a hug. i m also from oklahoma. does have a genuine rapport with audiences. interesting to watch post labor day. get yourself a calendar of the big races. i m a red sox fan, i m going to tip my cat to derek jeter. that s good. even john king can. a class act. it transcends the loyalty of team. appreciate it. even have red in my tie today, you see? thanks, john. coming up next on new day, accused sexual predators working