vulnerable democratic incumbent governor in the country. but compare him to recent to maybe republican governors that lost re-election in illinois history. does he look as weak today as those that did eventually lose in a general? he looks i think he is the weakest of them all. but, you know, it s easy to underestimate pat quinn. a lot of democrats have done that for years. a lot of them have. and, to their peril. he is as much an outsider as bruce rauner, the republican, is casting himself as. he is a street fighter. he may operate more out of a pocket protector than out of a massive computer bank but he is going to give this race a real fight, whoever is the nominee on the republican side. rick, let s talk about that. is there any chance that rauner loses this? it was a bit of a surprise when brady eeked out that primary a few years ago. low turnout. rauner seems to have command to