Hollywood celebrities rushed to offer their "thoughts and prayers" following Russia's invasion of the Ukraine on Wednesday. Some stars took advantage of the crisis to viciously attack former President Donald Trump while omitting any reference to President Joe Biden.
A “paper engineer” creates printed, pop-up versions of classic memes. More Wordle variants. Better than the DaVinci: the Dickens Code. Privatizing specific hexadecimal colors for NFTs (or something dubious like that). Graphene-based rubber. An award-winning non-electric toaster. Why are tomatoes red? The suspense is over: Minnesota has eight new snowplow names. Spit-take warning: “Pillow fighting could be the next great combat sport.” All that and more in WhatTheyThink’s weekly miscellany.
‘tick, tick, Boom!’ Star Bradley Whitford Pays Tribute To Stephen Sondheim Bradley Whitford is paying tribute to Stephen Sondheim, following the news of his passing. Stephen, aged 91, died just the morning after the Thanksgiving holiday,…