They say everything is bigger in Texas, and that was certainly the case at the <strong>Dallas Apparel & Accessories Market</strong>, which ran Jan. 10–13. The 5 million–square–foot <strong>World Trade Center</strong> broke all records with the expansion of exhibitors and the addition of <strong>The Goods by Brand Assembly</strong>.
<strong>Atlanta Apparel</strong>’sfirst market of the year, which ran Feb. 1–4 at <strong>AmericasMart</strong>, brought the largest number of exhibitors and retailer attendees to a February show since 2016.
Atlanta Apparel’s first market of the year brought the largest number of exhibitors and retailer attendees to a February show since 2016. The event also showcased the largest-ever number of temporary exhibitors and showrooms as well as buyers sourcing an increased amount of product for the Fall season.