i have clients say it s really hard to save for the future and they ve come to a point where it s overwhelming. oh gee, i m scared to tell you i ve got this amount of credit card debt or i ve got a 15-year-old and we never got around to saving for their college. that s when i go to work. we talk, we start planning. we can fix this. when clients walk out of my office they feel confident about their retirement. [ male announcer ] visit ameriprise.com and put a confident retirement more within reach. well, when i saw this next story, i thought what a nightmare. you re trying to prepare for college. oh, this is horrible. you re cramming for these a.c.t, those entrance exams you have to take. well, one college, one school really said, i m sorry, seniors,
if someone is going to let you marry their daughter it s hard to accuse them of being a rac t racist. the wedding created anxiety. what will they think of the marriage from the indian guy and southern girl from the bible belt. i found no problem. even though i have been in quite conservative precincts of american life which is where everybody tells you that s where you are going to find the deepest veins of american racism, i must say it me it has been a case of i don t see it. web sites like this one cater to americans who like differences. karyn folan used it to open her dating options. i met a very nice man. kevin is a businessman who never dated a black woman before. one year after they met they got married. everyone should love who thy love and let it be at that. their marriage would not have been legal in some states until