Alton Waldon, the first Black congressman from Queens, died last month.Waldon, 86, who passed away on June 9 after a long illness, leaves behind his wife, Carol-Lee Waldon, a retired
About a year ago, Norman Mailer s name blipped up on the nation s cultural radar screen. The (misleading) headline was that a "junior staffer" at Random House had scuttled the publication of a new collection of Mailer s essays because they objected to the title of Mailer s 1957 essay "The White Negro: Superficial Reflections on the Hipster."
Albert Jackson, a passionate public defender in Florida, died Thursday, October 7, at Laurentide at Mashpee Commons in Mashpee just shy of his 88th birthday after a long illness.
He closed a Guantánamo “H.I.V. prison camp” and castigated the city over its treatment of poor people with AIDS. A former detective, he had also been a narcotics prosecutor.