there is a photo of the bomb that blast. the plane that dropped the bomb on nagasaki a couple of days later. this is the photograph. you can see the mushroom cloud over nagasaki there. the reason we have these photos of these nuclear bombs going off in these two cities in japan is because along with boxcar and the anola gay we flew planes with them that took pictures of the explosions. the plane that photographed the nagasaki explosion was called big stink and the plane that flew the hiroshima bomb was necessary evil. the first of those bombs killed 75,000 people instantly. the second one at nagasaki killed 40,000 more people instantly. within a couple months, 150,000,
bare bones bargain. if not, payments to critters, bill payments, you name it, there is not enough income to cover all that. every month we come up $125 billion short. if we cannot borrow to bridge the cap, 40% of the monthly obligations could not be paid, and that could include social security checks due to go out on august 3rd. the stakes we just laid out are monumental, so both sides have to give ground and risk their jobs for the good of the country. what is so hard about that, right? joining me with their insights on conflict resolution are cnn contributor, pete dominic, and family law attorney, mrs. winestein. what does it take for two entrenched parties to agree on a deal that both need? well, you know, the obvious is that you take the emotion out of the room and you try to deal with the practical. what we deal with is the practical and not the legal when we re trying to negotiate this. they re trying to take the politics out of the room and get to a solution that can
and that is cute. and fox news contributor and news date columnist and co author of the great new book home team that came out in june. bill thought it was something else. if he was a boxcar i would ride him with a bunch of hobos and sitting next to me, you kn him and love him, larry gatlin if musical genius was a chocolate mint, i would find him on my hotel pillow. does that bother you? and he feels no guilt about his liberal tilt. good to see you, pinch. check out our review of this week with kristina aminpore in the art section. that s right, aminpore and our art section, two nonboring things, but not nonboring together. check it out. you almost sound southern there. to the greg-alogue. it is an injunction against idi.
and it s not just the area of the historic district. the river runs through quite a few communities and what we re seeing on radar is back building. the instability continues to fire this up. training like the boxcar of a train. run thunderstorm cells after another and with areas that picked up over 6 inches over a short period of time and you toss in a couple more that will aggravate the situation. not just in and around baltimore and howard county but now spreading out to much longer areas including washington, d.c. and you can see cars just being carried away by these waters. if you re in a car obviously you turn around and don t drown is what they say. do not take this lightly if you re living in this part of the country. that is serious problem. ryan, two years ago, over 200 cars were washed downstream, over 200 and many had to ride out the floodwaters, unfortunately. unbelievable pictures. tom sater thank you for your update. we ll continue to keep a close eye on this and
what comes to your mind? well, clearly, it may not have been the best way to phrase things, everyone is making such a big deal out of the words she is using. what i think republicans are doing right now. you don t have a trouble with the word boxcar. making a desperate attack from their own party s rhetoric. let s stay on hillary though. yesterday she compares g.o.p. to terrorists. i mean that was outrageous enough. i listen to it did she really just do that? and then she doubled down even worse and talking about a republican strategy to, on immigration and she compares that to nazis? and the republican strategy on immigration to deport 12 million people is totally ridiculous and everyone knows it in 2013 reince priebus says we have got it change the tone. they did the autopsy, the rnc autopsy ever the 2012 election. the one policy thing we have got to do differently is imforeign relation. off the cuff remark or planned comment. probably an off the cuff remark. what do