he got them. b, sequester came out of the economic team recommended to the president. the president got behind it. yeah, it passed with 174 republicans in the house. but it also passed with a majority of democrats in both houses. so everybody has skin in this particular game. i think at this point what republicans have been trying to say, sometimes not very well, is that we have gone to that to that edge on taxes. we ve given in on the tax increases. howard makes a very interesting point. now the question becomes, do we go back and raise taxes on everyone or do we raise more on on the top 1% or 2%? that s part of the discussion. but i think the bottom line is really arnold the simpson/bowles reality. you re going to have to find a combination of the two. cuts in spending as well as revenue enhancements, whether that comes through closing loopholes or additional increases in rates. that should be the debate that we engage in right now. i think it s an opportunity for republicans to