men s and women s 100 really want to know is when is the men s and women s100 metre final? that is tomorrow. it is so loud in here, i can barely hear myself think. my mum will tell you it s not always a bad thing! back to you. chuckles thank you very much. time for a look at the weather. here s tomasz schafernaker. heat waves to flash floods? absolutely, you certainly got the message and over the next few days, risk of bowel leek showers and thunderstorms. not everyone will get them and we don t want them to be too heavy and bring a lot of rainfall in a short space of time but that unfortunately is the nature of storms. i want to show you a fast animation of the rainfall patterns across the continent, at least the north west over the next few days. weather system sweeping in but by the end of the week, it tends to stay dry but the winds are coming off the atlantic and that means fresher conditions for some it is the rainfall accumulation over the next few days. it looks like rather a l