Felt he himself was rather sympathetic to progressive legislation that would be in the benefit of the general population but he had to somehow get it passed so he informed labor leaders and others forced me to do it. What he meant is go out and demonstrate. Protest develop the labor movement. When the packer pressures fission and be able to through the legislation you know i am not for a were. No last definition number 11 a i doubt which many as a freebie blow well being gradually read your man in endless. Friendly deal i prefer that brought out information. So there was a kind of combination of a sympathetic government and by the mid thirtys very substantial peter activism. There were industrial action there were a sit down strikes which are very frightening to. Ownership. Have to recognize a sit down strike is just one step before saying we dont need bush that we can run this by yourselves. And business was told to read the Business Press say in the late thirtys they were talking abo
The bank daddy of all banks is supposedly independent but are they really the us treasury was supposed to be independent yet they got bullied into trumps agenda the fed is supposedly an independent Government Agency yet powell bowed to political pressure and now finds himself playing defense this is worrisome if theres supposedly independent bodies are so easily influenced. And one of the worlds biggest Credit Rating agencies downgraded the hong kong Sovereign Rating on friday as protests and riots continue inflicting long lasting damage to International Perceptions of the quality and such from this of of hong kongs rule of law and its Business Environment which unexpectedly dropped the bombshell grading the citys rating one notch from a double a plus to double a the citys outlook from stable to negative this could have serious. Simple occasions for the borrowing cost of companies and the government this is hong kongs 1st downgrade by fitch since 1995 but leader kerry lamb hit back to
Parliament is not sitting it should be sitting the whole disk up and. We make very clear as you saw in the church. Just a few weeks ago. Parliament was acting this way and that we will find other ways to hold this company and we will have other ways to assure our constituents who elected democratically. Now this court ruling comes after a group of more than 70 opposition lawmakers challenge the governments decision to formally shut down parliament until october 14th last week a court enberg threw out the law makers challenge saying that the politicians not the courts should decide but that decision was then overturned on an appeal now fair and almost every day i think how can this story get any more uncertain but somehow it does and if theres anything weve learned from our guests its that business hates on uncertainty absolutely does daniel and you know what the British Chamber of commerce in germany today they actually said. Businesses are dealing with big uncertainty as with the prac
They can implement their own commitments its not about renegotiating j. C. Pewit its not about revising it but its simply about implementing their political let me ask you a question about that because over the last couple of weeks youve been daring if not taunting at the europeans to grow up and its the banks that servants of the americans to respect International Law. Which includes formally the you know i didnt have any fact well i dont know because im not preaching anybody im simply talking about the realities you see all of us when we went to Primary School and high school we had bullies in our class and bullies would not stop if people just look at them why they beat another student once they beat the 1st student or go to the 2nd and the. On the 4th do parents must know that the appetite of the United States for breaking International Law. And wherever it serves them really not stopped with casey pure as it has not now Everybody Knows just your surprise visit to the g. 7 summit a
Trading the refugees is so on rebuilding become entre and regarding the political roots of the ask for a political aspect we have 2 main fundamental matters in a choose that were talking about 1st of already forming the constitution and you call me. On when i see bastille you ask for a map itself. A constitutional challenge. We had that as discussions in the street guard starting from the big congress that plays in saatchi and then was sold as protests has been going on since then. We did participation representatives of the opposition the finally we know the. Company and we hold the pool storage to mourn and want to work as soon as possible. And on an event that is absolute terms say it will end. For being the main consideration ill be contrary and secondly talking about their preparation for their election and you know syria. As the idea that on this us make it happen we need a new constitution. Little ball. So a political aspect. Fight against terrorism and the rebuilding of the cou