back to hardball. president obama is on the stump today, of course, making the first stops of his bus tour in michele bachmann s backyard of minnesota, and in iowa tonight. on wednesday in his home state of illinois. the president hits the road with his approval rating not in great shape. gallup, the one we watch, all-time low of 39%. bounced back sunday night to 41%. to take over republicans he ll have to come up with a job struggle of his own. i think. joining me to challenge that, dee dee myers, first-ever woman press secretary i think that counts as a hall of famer issue and political analyst michael steele, the guy voted for a couple of things in the senate. i know i voted for you, too, senator, for a lot of good reasons. let me go to this whole question of the president and a road
back to hardball. president obama is on the stump today, of course, maybing the first stops of his bus tour in michele bachmann s backyard of min money and in iowa tonight, on wednesday in his home state of illinois. the president hitses road with his approval rating not in great shape. gat gallup, the one we watch, all-time low of 39%. bounced back sunday night to 41%. have to take over republicans come up with a job struggle of his own. i think. joining me to challenge that, first-ever woman press secretary i think that counts as a hall of famer issue, and political analyst michael steele, the guy voted for a couple of things in the senate. i know i voted for you to senator, for a lot of good