brian: i know you speak to the president often. you know darrell scott and others. we have had them in here. ben carson. they are making some major moves in the inner cities. we knowed about new opportunity zones that s in the new tax reform. they are not doing a good job getting the message out. how do you change that? that s exactly what i m doing. i feel like in so many ways that s what you i m here for to get the message out. that s why we are doing the summit to bring our community to the ideas. i myself am launching a project next week which i m not going to speak about today. really exciting. we will target the inner cities and have these sorts of rallies and conversations to keep this going. kanye has built us a runway and we are not going to squander that opportunity whatsoever. steve: candace, what s your message to the sound biters who were on television last night and will be on today talking about looking at what kanye said there in the oval office in that 10 minute so
silk who join us now. they are trump supporters. super stars and saw them on the campaign trail and come on with us every friday. thanks for joining us, ladies. thanks for having us. steve: good morning. ainsley: what did you think of this meeting. i m very proud of kanye that he was bold enough to go to the oval office sitz down and speak with our president. i was just proud of him for doing that now, if you look around, you look how the left wings media is spinning it. they are afraid. yes. you have the gate keepers of the democratic party afraid that people are not going to walk away but run and run like heck. they are going to get away. because people want economic opportunity and what kanye was doing was presenting the president with something so that we can move our country forward. that s right. and move our race of people forward instead of allowing a party, the democrat party to keep us stuck for years. we loved it. brian: some people not happy with that appearance
i m obviously knot advocating violence. in fact when i was ag violent crime was hisksly low. republicans are undermining democracy and democrats need to be tough proud and stand up for the values we believe. in. brian: fake outrage. ainsley: good for michelle obama. even if you have differing opinions people getting along. president bush gave her the cough drop? brian: they get along. ainsley: trump family said when they were inaugurated the obamas were really so nice to them and showed them around the white house and they were available all the time to take phone calls. brian: they have since gone south. jillian: side note steve once gave me a cough drop. steve: i did. opens you right up. brian: gave you a ludens. jillian: cherry flavor, yum. we are following a bunch of stories. we begin with this story pope francis accepting the resignation of donald
segment. steve: i have noticed you put struggling in front of the giants even though it wasn t in the teleprompter. jillian: they are though. brian: i have never been so wrong in my life. jillian: you have to correct yourself on my instagram. brian: they have a rematch. ainsley: congratulations, jillian. brian: why do you have to congratulate her? brian. you made it worse, ainsley. eric holder doesn t know where the high road is. michelle always says that, you know, when they go low, we go high. no; no. when they go low, we kick them. brian: the chairwoman of the rnc says stuff like that will help republicans win in november. michelle actually rebuked him, too. steve: what happens when the press tries to bait kid rock? should trump fire jeff sessions? he should fire you.
with that manual in the red cap. listen. wow. okay. i m doing this for everybody who is watching us who turned their volume down. you can put it back up again. if you think that was an assault on our white house. i thought that was really sad. i think you had there a man who is clearly not okay and a who is willing to exploit that. what i saw was a minstrel show today in front of all these white people. mostly white people embarrassing himself and embarrassing americans but mostly african-americans. kanye s mother is rolling over in her grave. steve: one thing we did learn yesterday is kanye west i phone code is 0000000. it s six zeros he wanted to show a zero answered tapped it in. that s all out there now. brian: he would later go to the apple store and give a