In 1959, while Antonio Araneta, Jr. ( my husband) was polishing his undergrad thesis (‘Elites and Economic Development in Underdeveloped Countries’) at the Notre Dame University, a be-medalled sergeant of the Philippine Army, survivor of World War II was applying for a job at an Araneta
When I got the Viber invite from China Bank SVP and Centennial Committee Chairman Alex Escucha, I was given fair warning that my dropping by their restored Binondo heritage site for a private tour would also involve a trip down the family memory lane
Gemma Cruz Araneta
The oldest person I know may, sooner or later, be no other than myself. That entered my awareness with a jolt; there are now very few people whom I know, who are at least 10 years older than I am. Frightful, isn’t it?
One fine day before the pandemic, I was thinking of whom I could consult about the whereabouts of Mr. X during WW II. Although this person was quite revered in the local scene up until Pearl Harbor was bombed, there is absolutely no record, good or bad, of what he was doing during the Japanese Occupation, or how he escaped being killed.