CHEROKEE Both Spencer and Sioux Central traveled to Cherokee Tuesday to participate in the annual Tomahawk Relays second day, set aside for the girls competition. The squads placed in the top four of their respective brackets the Tigers third in the 2A division, and the Rebels fourth in 1A.
Substack says the targeted newsletters violate its existing content guidelines, but it has no plans to target Neo-Nazi or far-right publishers on the platform proactively.
Spencer Matthews enjoyed an adorable day out with his four-year-old son on Tuesday as the pair waltzed around London s Winter Wonderland - lugging a huge banana.
By Lambert Strether of Corrente.
Thank goodness Teen Vogue has a labor reporter, because without Kim Kelly, we might not be hearing anything about the United Mine Workers of American (UMWA) strike at Warrior Met Coal in Brockwood, Alabama, where over 1,000 miners have been on strike for over two months. Here is the UMWA strike page (which permits donations by check, but not online, which seems a little old school).
Warrior Met coal isn’t used for power; it’s a premium product, metallurgical coal. It’s possible to reverse engineer the high-level economics behind the strike from the Warrior Met company page. I have helpfully underlined the salient points: