Our TV columnist covers the many romances on a drama, a soap, a sitcom and a reality series, plus a super queer scifi animated series with voiceovers by Michelle Yeoh, Russell Crowe and more big names.
Our TV columnist covers the many romances on a drama, a soap, a sitcom and a reality series, plus a super queer scifi animated series with voiceovers by Michelle Yeoh, Russell Crowe and more big names.
Our TV columnist covers the many romances on a drama, a soap, a sitcom and a reality series, plus a super queer scifi animated series with voiceovers by Michelle Yeoh, Russell Crowe and more big names.
The Red Scare of the 50’s McCarthy era is well known. Tales of people blacklisted for being or even accused of being communists abound. Lesser known and discussed is the Lavender Scare, during the same era, persecuting and outing members of the LGBTQ community. “Perfect Arrangement” written by Topher Payne shines a light on those stories.
Latest advance in prompt engineering for generative AI consists of leveraging multi-personas in a solo generative AI session. Here s how it works and my best tips.