Hyderabad: Telangana Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development KT Rama Rao inaugurated the multi-level Kothaguda flyover on Sunday. On the first day of the previous year, 2022, Minister KTR inaugurated Shaikpet Flyover. The multi-level flyover at Botanical Garden Junction connects Kothaguda Junction and Kondapur Junction. The flyover will ease traffic in the
Ramping up the infrastructure in Hyderabad's Information Technology (IT) corridor, the authorities on New Year day threw open another flyover to ease the traffic congestion.Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development K.T. Rama .
The new year’s in Hyderabad will begin on a positive note as Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA&UD) Minister K.T. Rama Rao will inaugurate a multi-level flyover connecting Kothaguda Junction to Kondapur Junction on January 1, 2023. It is the second longest flyover to be built under Strategic Road Development Plan (SRDP), which includes 2.21 km of main flyover