A comment to let us know we are watching from and hit the subscribe belt to get notifications about our latest and upcoming presentations also, we encourage you to support tonights offer by purchasing his book through independent booksellers partner politics and prose. And very importantly extremely big thank you to dbs sponsors downtown crown are pai and montgomery college. Lets get started. Tonight we have with us george zaidan, author of ingredients the strange chemistry of what we put in us and on us. George, an mit trained abcnbc hit show make me a millionaire inventor reveals what will kill you, what wont, and why, exploring high octane hilarity historical hijinks and other things that dont begin with the h. George created National Geographic web serious ingredients and cowrote and directed mit web serious for a ahis words have been featured in the New York Times for the boston globe National Geographic magazine and npr the salt and many more. Its currently executive producer of
Storm. Good even. Im in for chuck todd. 22 days until election night. President trump has embraced a trumpian strategy to make the midterms all about, you guessed it, trump. Were talking trump saturation right now, guys. All trump all the time. Trump on the road. Trump in your living room. Trump press conferences. More trump rallies. More trump press conferences. Just moments ago, another press conference this time as the president met with officials in georgia while touring the damage from hurricane michael. Later this week weve gtot a trump in waco. A vote for cindy is a vote for me. A vote sfor steve is a vote for me. A vote for david is a vote for me in our agenda to make America Great again. You could argue that republicans are poised to lose control of congress because of trump. And there are signs of a huge spike in midterm voter turn outamong grououts that arent known as big trump fans. 81 of democrats say they are certain to vote which is up nearly 20 points compared to the 20
The latest inappropriate fan conduct occurs just a few days after a Philly fan dumped popcorn on Russell Westbrook s head as the basketball player left the court with an injury.