about. i could not agree with you more. the palace injury has taken up way too much oxygen, not just following this horrific tragedy in las vegas but just for the last few months that we ve had president trump in office. it means we are not talking about real issues, it means it s not safe to have a real conversation about how to prevent gun violence. at the end of the day, it is what secretary tillerson said. it is heavy because we all know, who at some point has not called a boss a moron. we all know it s true, it s common sense but is that with the focus needs to be? especially in these very trying, challenging times. harris: you guys are in full agreement on that, i don t think the bar is very high for what is nonsense.
and somewhat denying, yet not denying because he wouldn t deny the actual substance of the story, the allegations. my disappointment with the press conference is what i really wanted to hear was the president s analogy between rebuilding our troops in afghanistan and the rehabilitation of the 21 club. i really want to hear the analogy. don t we have to put that into context? i m not saying it s nice to call your boss a moron, but every one of us at this table have called our spouse, our boss, our friends something worse than that. we re in a little different position. trump was comparing afghanistan to the 21 club. that s why ultimately this is not a trump or tillerson problem, this is a real american problem. every head of state in the world this morning got a briefing that suggested whether you want to believe it or not that the secretary of state of the united states called the president a moron. after the president of the united states undercut the secretarybeijing,
chafe at that relationship. again, i think we should probably underscore that one would surmise that if you had not called your boss a moron, then you would probably during the course of a news conference vehemently deny calling your boss a moron. carol lee, josh barrow, anne gearan, thanks for your time this afternoon. when we come back here, the investigation intensifies into precisely what caused the las vegas gunman to go on that deadly rampage. the fbi is expected to question his girlfriend this hour in los angeles. she just returned to the country. what did she know? her family is speaking out for the first time. can put the puzzle together, no one except marilou because he s not here to talk anymore. only marilu can maybe help.
process. there are forensics involved, there needs to be a concerted campaign with the proper context to release this. but it doesn t seem that dhs has done that and the way they ve rolled this out has been somewhat surprising, if not baffling. ned, while i have you here i want to get your take on the other big story today. this nbc news report that secretary of state rex tillerson considered resigning over the summer. additionally that he called his boss a moron at one point during a meeting this summer. what do you make of what appears to be an obvious tension inside this administration between the president and his secretary of state? well, this is nothing new, craig. i think it s something we ve seen over the course of several months, whether it s how this administration has dealt with the gulf crisis, the disagreement between qatar and its neighbors, whether over the iran deal. we have come to understand that secretary tillerson is much more amenable to staying in the deal tha
others have said, is secretary tillerson was essentially pandering to an audience of one. he tried to deny a couple of the allegations, but he actually side-stepped those allegations and didn t deny what the article alleged. and there was actually a confirmation by omission. if an article contains three specific allegations and you deny two of those, you have essentially confirmed the third. that was the fact that secretary tillerson appears to have called his boss a moron following a national security council meeting in july. ned price, matt miller, always good to have your insights. thanks, guys. thank you. thanks. when we come back here in las vegas, we re going to meet an iraq war veteran who teamed up with another concertgoer on sunday night to literally save dozens of lives behind me. your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall.