bill: thanks for staying with us. i m bill o reilly. in the lowe s the boss segment tonight, newt gingrich and mitt romney is hammering each other about money and investments. here is what happened last night. we discovered to our shock governor romney owns shares of both fannie mae and freddie mac. governor romney made a million dollars off of selling some of that so maybe governor romney in the spirit of openness should tell us how much money he has made off of how many households that have been foreclosed by his investments. my investments are not made by me. my investments for the last 10 years blind trust managed by a trusee. mr. speaker i know that sounds like enormous revelation but you have checked your own investments? you also have investments from mutual funds that also invest in fannie mae and freddie mac. bill: here now to analyze lou dobbs. why are they doing this.
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only at the sleep number store where queen mattresses start at just $699. bill: thanks for staying with us. i m bill o reilly in the lowe s the boss segment tonight, credibility in the wall street protesters. do they have any? i put that question to lowe last night. so, do these demonstrators. take the kooks out of the mix, and there are a lot of kooks down there, let s face it. do they have a legitimate beef that you get a college degree and no jobs and got to flip burgers and the system shouldn t be like this? i think herman cain said it as well as it can be said. he said if you are upset about not being rich, blame yourself. that s where it starts in this country. bill, i can t for the life of me figure out exactly what this protest is about. they keep talking about 1% and 99%. but it doesn t address any of the issues either in public