there s a political component. to delay these skimmers all the time and refuse to waive the jones act. he believes it refers to brown s and serve sausages. it s a law that all good ships be carried by american ships it only applies inside the three-mile limit. the deep water horizon spill is 52 milesoff shore. they don t need to waive the jones act because it doesn t apply. as of june 15th the coast guard reported there were 15 foreign ships helping with the cleanup in the gulf. an independent report counted 24 of them from nine different countries. congressman king is making this up, as usual. there s tonight s hands down winner, boss limbaugh. these quotes speak for themselves and for a diseased and failing mind. if obama weren t black he d be a tour guide in honolulu or teaching saul alinski constitutional law or lecturing on it in chicago said the college dropout, rush limbaugh. he wouldn t have been voted
to delay these skimmers all the time and refuse to waive the jones act. he believes it refers to brown s serve sausages. it s a law that all good ships be carried by american ships from the port, but it only aplis inside the three-mile limit. the deep water horizon spill is 52 milesoff shore. they don t need to waive the jones act because it doesn t apply. as of june 15th the coast guard reported there were 15 foreign ships helping with the cleanup in the gulf. an independent report counted 24 of them from nine different countries. congressman king is making this crap up. as usual. there s tonight s hands down winner, boss limbaugh. these quotes speak for themselves and for a diseased and failing mind. if obama weren t black he d be a tour guide in hohn lu you or teaching saul alinski constitutional law or lecturing on it in chicago said the college dropout, rush limbaugh. he wouldn t have been voted president if he weren t black.
act. mr. king apparently believes the jones act refers to jones brown and serves sausages. it is a law requiring all goods shipped from one american port to another. inside the three-mile limit. they don t need to waive the jones act because it doesn t apply. as of june 15th the coast guard reported there were 15 foreign ships helping with the cleanup in the gulf. an independent report counted 24 of them from nine different countries. congressman king is making this crap up. as usual. there s tonight s hands down winner, boss limbaugh. these quotes speak for themselves and for a diseased and failing mind. if obama weren t black he d be a tour guide in honolulu or teaching saul alinski constitutional law or lecturing on it in chicago said the college dropout, rush limbaugh. he wouldn t have been voted president if he weren t black. somebody asked me over the oh, need to remember.
the night the bed fell by james thurber, next. for the first time we ll be doubling our worsts list. the easiest way to get the persons, the ones who didn t quite make this list, follow me on twitter, and this is original,@kei original,@keitholbermann. see? back to this old medium tv crap. the bronze to boss limbaugh. people ask how he lives with himself. the answer is he clearly has no short-term memory anymore. august 13, 2009 nobody is saying that obama is hitler. and four weeks ago today, the second of april who has called him a nazi? so are we clear?
keep [ bleep ]. i ll do that. we continue. to the mugshot hall of fame. time now for a new inductee, joining other legends as tom delay, boss limbaugh and, of course, the i heart midget porn guy, tonight we welcome the inverse of mr. handlebar mustache guy, this guy, arrested for violating parole and sending out subliminal messages on the upper lip area. actually just for the first thing, the picture is courtesy of the smoking gun website and i think it what does that say? oh, no. move along. nothing to see here. as the oil rig disaster in the gulf literally spreads toward the cities of the gulf, how s that whole drilly spilly thing working out for you? a few years ago i got a wake up call.