or so taken hostage for a number of days and more than 100 people killed when the theater was stormed and put an end to it. there is a history of russia dealing with a terrorist threat. the regions surrounding chechnya now there, is an ongoing conflict with russian soldiers, russian security services, russian police regularly fighting and often dying in armed battles with insurgents who continue to pose a threat to the security of this country. all right. phil block in boss cow, thank you so much. even though the brothers, now dead. we ve begin their names. one on the loose. even though they are from chechnya originally, we have no idea their motivations of now. we can suspect them, but we don t know them. we don t known they have
assad says his country is under what he called a media attack but he says his forces are, quote, strong other the ground. 55 syrians died sunday in an army attack in homs and other cities. intelligent services in russia claim to have stopped assassination plot against vladimir put. putin is expected to win in russian elections on march 4th. sunday, more than 30,000 russians protested against putin joining hands to form a ring around boss cow. in canada three railroad engineers died in a derailment. more than 30 passengers were also injured in the accident when a look motive and passenger cars went off the track and flipped onto their sides. and former south african president nelson mandela left the hospital on sunday. he s resting comfortably at home. the 93-year-old underwent minor surgery over the weekend. and now here is your first look at wall street. the dow opens at 12,982 after