you know. tell the airport. the airline what to do. they didn t have a clue. how much does that thing cost? $50. $9 to activate. $13 a year. so neat. this is new from bose. famous for over the ear noise reduction. these are the qc-20. these are the first in-ear noise reduction. i have heard them. they re amazing. they have something called aware mode. when you are at the airport. put it in aware. lets you hear the music. keeps a little microphone on. you can hear announcements. if you are out biking you can hear a car horn. amazing. you have tried it. sounds too good to be true? it works huh? amazing. coming in august. that s fantastic, what do you have next? turn this guy on. put it up here. the samsung galaxy s-4. couple of great things for travelers. going to language. talking to the microphone. say, i need to find a restroom. hit the language you need.
you don t believe that something s going on and when you look in the back, i could see down the driveway. there was no garage. it was gone. it was heavy fire in the back, i knew the kitchen, the bedroom area was going to be gone. the roof was gone, the second floor was gone. as soon as they got it under control, they started smashing out the windows and laying into the upstairs of the house with hoses. bose realizes that everything he and his parents own is destroyed. the new tv i bought, gone. computers, gone. everything inside the house was gone. there was nothing left. just the shirt on our back and that was all we had. fortunately bose s cousin is a quincy firefighter who arrives first on the scene. he ran into the house. and there were several pictures of grandkids, wedding pictures of my parents that he was able to save all the pictures that were in there. it meant a lot. when something like this happens, you have friends that come together, but the city of quincy and t
friday, bose s shift starts like any other. it was a very busy night. about 10:30, 10:45 it actually started to slow down. we figured we had another hour left on the shift and we d be gone and it would be over. but for bose his night is just starting when this 911 call is received. the call is from his the call is from his neighbor. 911, what s your emergency? there s a fire next door to my house. 102 hollis avenue. let me get the fire department. stay on the phone. okay. 911, all at once about nine calls are coming in. we figured because of t time of night it was a car accident. so the first call we picked up that i received was my next-door neighbor saying the neighbor s garage and house was on fire. there was an explosion. when i asked her the address, she told me it s 99 hollis ave. i had to ask twice to make sure i had the right address and i a neighbor catches it on
camera. not only is bose s house on fire, but his parents are inside. 911, what s your emergency? there s a fire, big fire at 99 hollis. a fire or a fight? the whole place, the garage and everything is on fire. this is michael bose s mother. okay, mrs. bose, we have it. we ll be right there. the first reaction was to make sure my parents were safe. they were in the house and i tried calling several times. there was no answer. mike o shea is the neighbor who captures it all on camera. flames were about 100 feet into the air, and, yeah, you could definitely feel the heat and you could see the houses next to it the paint was just melting and chipping away. within minutes bose arrives on the scene. fortunately, his parents escape the burning home as they make their 911 call. the first thing i know is my parents were on the street with my neighbor. i knew they were fine. it was almost work like slow motion.
girlfriends, even the kids get involved, which is unbelievable. for o shea who witnesses the fire, the scene has a dramatic impact. it s sad. it s very sad. i went out a couple of days later and bought more smoke detectors. despite the devastating fire, bose has an optimistic attitude. thank you, sergeant. my main thing is my parents and my neighbor got out and no injuries. nobody was hurt, no lives were lost. the fire department, nobody was injured. it s a house that can be rebuilt. everything can be replaced. it s going to take a while. but we can get back. within two weeks bose is back on the job working the 911 phone lines. one of the first calls we took last night was for a house fire. at first it was normal routine. transferred to the fire department and sent a cruiser down there and you have to be there when they call 911. that s what we do. from one dedicated city worker to another.