Breaking the security cordon of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, on Thursday, two unknown bike riders reached very close to CM Nitish Kumar at high speed. | BLiTZ
A state in Eastern India: Araria's Farbisganj police arrested the accused on Tuesday for cheating in the name of getting a government job with the help of | BLiTZ
Pramod Jha, Patna. In Patna The Lohia Path Chakra at the striking turn of Bailey Road will be ready by July. On completion of the Lohia Path Chakra, | BLiTZ
The work of construction of underpass on Boring Canal Road in Lohia Path Chakra, which is being built near the striking turn in Patna, will start in the | BLiTZ
Lohia Path Chakra will be ready by July at the striking turn in Patna's Bailey Road. When the Lohia Path Chakra is ready, vehicles will be able to ply | BLiTZ