47 miles of dilapidated fencing with new wall system and we plan to build 25 miles of new levee wall as well as eight miles of new border wall system in stark county, texas. much of that is replacement of existing fencing. did the definition. new and wall change with this administration? absolutely. this is trump rebranding 101, meaning he can t get the wall that he wants so far, so, instead, take other things, such as fixing up existing walls, and brand them as the trump wall. this is a very important campaign promise to him. he can t get what he wants. there is the democratic processes at work. so he is going to try to call something that looks like a wall, the wall. he might be successful with his supporters but i think it s far short of what he intended to do. siran, listen to mayors on
congressman? dennis? maybe governor? dennis is fine, your honor. judge: all right. touche. all right. let s talk about the border wall. you know, one of the issues that people have been talking about is the fact that they think that it doesn t really serve a purpose. and whether it s a wall or some other kind of construction, you would have to agree that 80% to 90% of the drugs coming into this country, irrespective of whether there is a market for these drugs here comes from our southern border. well, we want to do everything we can to stop the drugs from coming in and to stop them in the countries that they are coming from. that s true. but i m not a fan of the border wall, judge. i think that it s a waste of money they can accomplish the same thing with electronic fencing. and that you know, we have bridges in ohio that are falling down. i would rather seat money be spent on infrastructure here at home. judge: well, would you tell your democratic compatriots or democrat
construction of the border wall. take a listen. let me be clear, without the president and the administration s leadership and a commitment to border security, the funding for construction for these projects would not be possible. in san diego, we are looking at 14 miles of new border wall, getting rid of old dilapidated landing mats in favor of a steve ballard wall. on calexico we are on schedule and on budget to build a 30-foot border wall continuing east. we are on track 20 new border walls in new mexico. in addition 40 new miles of border wall in el paso. finally we plan to replace dilapidated fencing border wall system in various locations along the southwest border. agents have been vocal about the need for effective barriers to deny the entry of illegal aliens and contra band. the truth is walls work and the data shows it and agents know it. judge: the construction of the border wall is a huge step in the right direction.
congressman? dennis? maybe governor? dennis is fine, your honor. judge: all right. touche. all right. let s talk about the border wall. you know, one of the issues that people have been talking about is the fact that they think that it doesn t really serve a purpose. and whether it s a wall or some other kind of construction, you would have to agree that 80% to 90% of the drugs coming into this country, irrespective of whether there is a market for these drugs here comes from our southern border. well, we want to do everything we can to stop the drugs from coming in and to stop them in the countries that they are coming from. that s true. but i m not a fan of the border wall, judge. i think that it s a waste of money they can accomplish the same thing with electronic fencing. and that you know, we have bridges in ohio that are falling down. i would rather seat money be spent on infrastructure here at home. judge: well, would you tell your democratic compatriots or democrat
melissa: that s why he shifted to a wall system because it s very hard to argue against. a border wall system, in reality we all knew that s what we were talking about the entire time. it is something that makes sense and is very hard to argue against. the political part of it, talking about more security, talking about drugs, talking about border regions. david: immigration judges. jessica: if you throw the dreamers into the equation, there are so many hard-line immigration acts on the democratic side who say do it. melissa: he offered to give amnesty to three times as many dreamers as president obama. jessica: he did not accept the bipartisan deal, he came back with his own deal. if he cared about dreamers, he would ve taken that deal. david: democrats lied about