jersey coming from colombia. another reason. donald trump requesting additional $8.6 billion to build the border wall in his 2020 budget plan amid his ongoing national emergency declaration facing opposition from both sides of the aisle. will the new proposal earn any support? republican congressman james comeour joins me with more. as we begin our discussion let s bring out what we can break down about the border wall budget, the additional $8.6 billion for the wall, 5 million from congress, 3.6 million for the military and that would complete 722 miles of the wall, that $4.7 trillion budget plan. what do you think the chances are of that passing? it has overwhelming support among house republicans. we passed the last congress to fund the border wall.
for hurns of thousands of government employees on the line, the nbc biz tech team came up with a list what else $5 billion could actually buy. for the cost of a wall, you could build and install a solar farm that could power 1 million homes. a lot of houses. if clean energy doesn t excite you what about bonuses? with $5 billion, every nurse in america could receive a $1,500 bonus. imagine that. or you could give that same bonus to every schoolteacher in the united states and still have $200 million left over. currently the epa operates on just an $8 billion budget. government could use the $5 billion wall request to increase the epa budget by 60%. not going to do that, though it seem. $5 billion would more than double the budget for substance abuse and mental health administrations that government agencies are tasked with redu reducing the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on
america s communities and with a little more money, $5.8 billion, the government can pay one month s benefits to more than 40 million americans receiving food stamps as part of the supplemental nutritional assistance program. $5 billion goes a very long way, but with no end in sight, some analysts estimate the economic cost of the government shutdown may already exceed the border wall budget. take that in for a moment. up next, everybody, tonight the golden globe marks one year since the time that movement launched in hollywood. what s thing thatted, plus how will the show handle politics? that s coming up. politics? that s coming up
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