him some military options should the conditions so when and how do you pull the trigger? what are you careful about? well, the important thing is that the ultimate solution here is a political one that brings all of the parties back to the table and particularly brings the alienated sunni leadership and population back to the table. we cannot act as if we re just the air force for radical shia elements on the ground. and so that political process has to happen. but militarily, we also have an interest in stopping the progress of isis. and that means developing very discreet isis targets. that don t hit civilians, that don t inflame the situation. other governments, they say, look, you can t just hit isis in iraq, you ve got to hit them in syria, too. or else you look like you re taking sides. i agree with michelle s analysis. i think the number one two goals. dual strategy. one is to look at targeted air strikes against isis without
collateral damage to the sunnis. two is a diplomatic solution in the region. i know secretary kerry is going to develop a regional strategy that s very important. anything we do militarily will fail. but i believe if we can take out these isis elements that exist, wherever they exist, that not only stabilizes the region, but then takes away and eliminates the number one threat. as you look, do you agree, then, with how the president s approaching it thus far? well, it s a little late. i think the warning signs are there. having a residual force as a result in this. maliki has mismanaged the way he dealt with the sunnis. i think it s time for maliki to go and have a new prime minister of iraq that we can work with. but i think the president needs to be more heavily engaged in the political diplomatic process to find a diplomatic political solution. and that s what i would urge the white house, i ve talked to them. i do think they re on the right
assets into the region to give him some military options should the conditions so when and how do you pull the trigger? what are you careful about? well, the important thing is that the ultimate solution here is a political one that brings all of the parties back to the table and particularly brings the alienated sunni leadership and population back to the table. we cannot act as if we re just the air force for radical shia elements on the ground. and so that political process has to happen. but militarily, we also have an interest in stopping the progress of isis. and that means developing very discreet isis targets. that don t hit civilians, that don t inflame the situation. other governments, they say, look, you can t just hit isis in iraq, you ve got to hit them in syria, too. or else you look like you re taking sides. i agree with michelle s analysis. i think the number one two goals. dual strategy.
not as we know it but maybe just the end. a lot to digest. what is the president going to do? there s two issues, first the discreet isis issue. we can t allow it. that s got to be a strategy. a bipartisan agreement on what needs to happen. we heard it today. the only disagreement is how aggressive to be. political side to get maliki out and unified government, then has to be a military piece. so i think everyone sort of agrees on that. the question is how hard are you going to push, how quickly are you going to military. quickly, as the president is thinking about this, also the debate over iraq, you wrote about it, people talking about it. the president when he spoke about it was very clearly answering those former bush figures like vice president cheney when he said the following during a press conference thursday. recent days reminded us of the deep scars left by america s war in iraq. what s clear from the last decade is the need for the united states to ask hard
it s become a makeshift shelter if at least a thousand young undocumented immigrants since the last month. governor perry deciding to pump in an extra $1.3 million a week in border security funds. amid what he calls a humanitarian crisis. texas republican congressman mike mccall said this on meet the press sunday. take a listen. i have a crisis in my own state. we have what is nothing less than refugee camps at the air force base. i believe the failed border security strategy has resulted in this. i believe the messages, if you come to the united states within you can stay. and one solution to the situation in texas was scrapped sunday. the u.s. border patrol deciding against a plan to fly nearly 300 central american immigrants here to california from south texas for processing. joining us now is e lease field goally who covers immigrant