[inaudible conversations] c good morning. The hearing on agriculture in the state of the Rural Committee will come to order. Bow our heads please. Dear heavenly father we come before you increase to first of all say thank you. We thank you for so Many Blessings as you bestow upon us, many of which we dont even know on this occasion we ask a special blessing on our agriculture industry and that your blessings, upon her new secretary of agriculture, sonny perdue. Dear heavenly father, finally we thank you for your holy spirit. For oftentimes we know not what we should pray for but your holy spirit intercedes for us. We thank you for that and we ask your holy spirit to be in this room today. These and other blessings we ask for your son christ jesus, amen. David thank you. Mr. Secretary welcome. You and i have had several conversations before this party but let me officially congratulate you on becoming our nations 31st secretary of agriculture. We are excited about working with you and c
Birthday in march, the reality of spending more than 1500 nights away from my family over eight years hit me harder than it had before. Representative chaffetz was first elected in 2009. Agriculture secretary sonny purdue testified before congress for the first time yesterday since taking office. He briefed members of the housing a which you are committee on the role of farming, on rural economies throughout the United States. This hearing runs about three and a half hours. Good morning, the hearing on the committee of agriculture entitled state and Rural Economy, secretary of agriculture sonny purdue will come to order. Ive asked david scott to open for us. David . Sure, bow our heads, please. Dear heavenly father we come before your throne of grace to first of all say thank you, we thank you for so Many Blessings that you bestow upon us, many which we dont even know. On this occasion, we ask a special blessing on our agriculture industry and that your blessings come upon our new secr
How we utilize immigrant labor in this nation. The heart is there, the how to end the process is what we have to figure out but i can tell you trade, labor, regulations 123. Usta, and ways forward. I gave those guys an example of that. We have the wonderful land grant institutions Congress Progress man scott talks about we also have Technology Schools using great processing technology, harvest technology, and reserving technology that makes a lot of sense. We will look at where Research Dollars go and if it makes sense without a processing harvesting part of the supply chain, benefit agriculture, in georgia, our landgrant, the university of georgia and core valley state, georgia Tech Engineering school has a lot of processing and how to make them more efficient and better. Those are the things we want to look at to use resource dollars wisely, not just the applied production science, and a safe palatable way to the consumer. The gentlemans time is expired. I am so glad to see you are t
Welcome, eugene. From sfgovtv. Public comment will be taken on each agenda. Please line up to speak. You may submit Public Comment writing email to myself the rules Committee Clerk at victor. Young sfgov. Org. If you submit Public Comment viaemail it will be forwarded to the supervisors and included as part of the file. You may send written comment tuesday city hall, 1 dr. Carlton b goodlett place, 244, San Francisco california 94102. Silence cell phones and electronic devices. Items acted upon today are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda july 9, 2024 unless otherwise stated. That completes my initial announcements. Thank you, please call item 1. Item 1, Charter Amendment first draft to amend the charter to establish the position of Inspector General in the Controllers Office to provide that the Inspector General nominated subject to approval to authorize the initiate and lead investigations regarding potential violations of laws or policies involving fraud, waste, a
[inaudible conversations] good morning. The Armed Services Committee Meets this morning to receive testimony on the posture of the u. S. Central command, Africa Command of special Operations Command in the context of our review on oversight of the fiscal year 2017 Defense Budget. We are pleased to welcome our witnesses general austen general rodrigues and general votel. We thank each of you for dedicated for decades of distinguished service and for your leadership of our men and women in uniform. I would like to extend a special thanks to chairman austen and chairman rodrigues as this may be their last appearance before this committee. Our nations most distinguished National Security leaders have testified before this committee repeatedly and we are witnessing the unraveling of a rulesbased International Order and nowhere is this unraveling more than the middle east from north africa to south asia. State authority and the balance of power are breaking down. This emerging vacuum has bee