intercepting illegal arm sales agents paid the gun dealer to help follow them from my house to house we e guns would b reoaded in their veles and drven across the borde o br was fidel hernandez, a known smuggler. this september 2007 memo explains what went wrong. they said that they called the mexican authorities ahead of time and alerted them he s coming, get ready, and then they d watch him go across the hill. there was nobody on the other side. that operation under the bush administration is now part of the debate over the obama administration s operation fast and furious. congressman elijah cummings, the rank ing democrat on the house oversight committee asked republican chairman darrell issa for a hearing to investigate the operation, details of which surfaced in this 2007 briefing paper that was mucasey to persuade mexico to provide corruption-free cops to assist u.s. agents in stopping gun trafficking. the bush era operations differ in several ways.