isn t it 10:00 in the morning? they are just getting tanked. they gotta have the perfect day. there is nothing better than afternoon drinking in the city and then falling asleep at like 7:00. they wake up at like 5ing on, 4:00 in the morning 5:00, 4:00 in the morning and then they do it again jie. be careful with the drinking. pab, have you ever made a booze vow, and if so how long did you last on camera? actually i did it a few times for lent. itit was not just for an hour a day and i did it. i think it send a bad message. she says, well, i mean it was a book party. you have to drink during a book party. seriously? you can have a glass of apple juice. he is lent? is he that italian man you were dating? didn t last a month? are you sobered up and said ew. gross. nobody watches the fourth