Sramana Mitra: Your friend gave you some money and gave the money back. What other financing has happened? Ankush Sabharwal: My two friends who joined as co
Sramana Mitra: How much money did you make this way – from advertising? Ankush Sabharwal: It's more money than we would have made through subscription. Sramana
Sramana Mitra: You were working at Ultisource when you negotiated with Indian Railways? Ankush Sabharwal: Yes. In the appraisal cycle when I was about to quit
Sramana Mitra: Going back to 2016, there were these platform providers but there were also these other startups that had full applications. Where was the gap?
Sramana Mitra: What was the concept? What were you going to do? How did you come up with that concept? Ankush Sabharwal: The product suites that these banks