In mid-January, shortly after the destructive storm of Jan. 13, drivers and walkers who regularly cross the West Harbor Pond causeway noticed that something had changed. The distinctive halo in the harbor, which marks the upwelling of water.
The sea level isn’t the only thing rising. Costs associated with building a seawall have also risen. In 2017, the Boothbay Harbor Sewer District began planning to build a seawall protecting their treatment plant at an estimated $4 million cost. With.
Dan Bryer has a problem. A big problem. The affable Boothbay town manager has a municipal budget of about $2 to $2.3 million, and he had to spend $2.7 to $3 million to repair roads hammered by the twin January storms. The record storms slammed Ocean.
The Jan. 10 and 13 storms that caused heavy damage to private property and neighboring towns largely spared Boothbay Harbor’s municipal property, according to Town Manager Julia Latter. Latter gave a report to selectmen at their Jan. 29 meeting with.
The Community School District planning and vote on the $89 million school renovations and building dominated the local news in 2023, with the end result being the voters turning down the plan in November. This coming year, voters will be asked to.