petroleum institute about how utterly more enormous their booth was in comparison to everyone else s booth. they had such a huge booth, they had to put them way back in a corner. they said it would have been weird to have to shrink it down. that s just their standard booth. they also had personalized m&ms. mm, oil. the more down market liberty central also had food, but they just printed out these little cuffs they wrapped around hershey bars. there were lots of people giving away copies of the constitution, but in a way that sort of bothers me, they couldn t resist adding their own documents to the constitution, so you can get the constitution plus, say, the mission statement of the anti-aclu american civil rights union. or you can get the constitution plus the mission statement of the young americans foundation. or you can get the constitution with a foreward by ron paul. not that i don t love ron paul, i don t think you get to write a
liz cheney s group, keep america safe, was there. i just lurked for a long time around their booth, thinking she would stop by unofficially. ultimately, all i got, though, was this bumper sticker, guantanamo saves lives. i did shake liz cheney s hand, i did say hi later. today, you could buy books about the tyranny of liberalism and the consumer s guide to the apocalypse. they were right next to each other. there was a whole booth devoted to one lady telling a sad and inexplicable tale about her brother invented a blood pump. don t know what it had to do about cpac. the one bad experience, a guy yelling at me and getting in my face and being physically threatening after making a beeline to hand me this flyer. i said, thank you, who are you? and he yelled right in my face, we re normal people, what about you? he did not seem like normal people, but more specifically, he was from an organization
there are agenda items that are targeted toward latino conservatives, but they re alongside this they re alongside arguably racist rhetoric about the president. we re going to be talking about that a little bit more later in the show and alongside this still incredibly vie tup rahhive mode that ease survived. and i understand that the society had a booth. i spent a long time with them today, yeah. and, you noerks that s an amazing thing. i mean bill buckley kicked him out. yes, he did. he you know, pure conservatives wouldn t tolerate that sort of thing in his day. it does show how far the conservative movement has come and that sort of thing really alienates a lot of the kind of old line buckley style conservatives who feel they
foreward to the constitution. and they sponsored an anti-lincoln, lincoln wasn t such a great guy speech. also, a real conservative shouldn t support the war on terror speech. the oathkeepers is a group, they were mentioned in the new york times this week. they re law enforcement people who pledge to disobey laws they don t like with their guns and stuff. the oathkeepers, however, were awol when i went by their booth today. they all left to go to lunch together and left their booth unmanned. awol, oathkeepers. the free state project wants people to move to new hampshire for the second american revolution. the magazine human events was selling the idea that alan grayson is the biggest jerk in congress, which i bet made alan grayson s day, knowing congressman grayson a tiny bit. some other newsletter was trying to sell the idea that bush beats obama. and that headline doesn t make more sense when you read the article, trust me, i tried. inside the bush beats obama newsletter, there