Boonville Director of Public Works Jeff Ditto said at Monday’s Boonville Council Meeting that Greis Trucking had the low bid for the FEMA/SEMA stormwater project on Morgan Street.
After two years of planning, listening to residents and negotiating with Thurman Construction Company, the Boonville City Council finally passed the Fox Hollow Subdivision project Monday night at the meeting by a vote of 5-4.
The Policy Research in Missouri Education (PRiME) Center is pleased to recognize David Barton Elementary of Boonville for achieving a Top 10 PRiME Growth Score in the Central Region.
At the end of the Blackwater R-II Veteran s Day assembly, Representative Chuck Bayse awarded Hero s Resolutions to A.J. Massa and Mason Harvey for their life-saving actions on August 6th, 2021.