Anil Jaisinghani has more than 10 cases against him across 5 states. Police said that Anil and his daughter Aniksha tried to offer Devendra Fadnavis’ wife Amruta a bribe of Rs 1 crore.
Aniksha Jaisinghani, daughter of bookie Anil Jaisinghani, has been granted permission to obtain her father s signature on a property deed relinquishing his rights over a shop in Ulhasnagar. Anil is currently in jail for allegedly trying to bribe and blackmail the wife of the deputy chief minister. The court allowed Aniksha to approach her father in prison to get the papers signed before a notary. The court also asked her to submit a copy of the documents within two days. Aniksha had been arrested on charges of blackmail and extortion but was granted bail. | Mumbai news
Amruta Fadnavis is quite popular on social media and frequently shares snippets of her events and outings, connecting with her followers. | Mumbai news
Anil Jaisinghani is a bookie who has been arrested by the Mumbai Police for allegedly blackmailing Amruta Fadnavis, the wife of Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis
Mumbai : The case of extortion from Amrita Fadnavis, wife of Maharashtra's Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, has come to light. According to media | BLiTZ