We are holding our first hearing on stabilizing premiums and ensuring access to into intervals Health Insurance market for 2018. We have five state Insurance Commissioners. Thank you for coming from long distances to be with us to give your testimony on how to help the 18 million americans in individual Insurance Market. Manyve an idea of how people are interested in this, we invited senators who were not on our committee, which is about a quarter of the senate on this committee to come to a coffee with commissioners that we have completed for an hour and 31 senators were there. That is a remarkable level of we will have an Opening Statement and we will introduce the five witnesses. Ask questionskend in fiveminute rounds. This committee includes 23 United States senators. It includes senators with the whitest diversions of abuse. It has a republican majority of only one. Working together during the last two years, we have been able to agree on big steps, big issues, about which we have