testifying how great a man he is but also jeff booker a sitting u.s. senator for the first time testified against another u.s. senator who is seeking a cabinet position. john lewis, we also hueard from the civil rights icon. i didn t specifically hear him say don t vote to confirm senator sessions and also senator richmond and chairman of the black caucus who did oppose the nomination. dana, it s going to be presumably a relatively close vote although the republicans have the majority. the republicans do have the majority and first talking about the committee vote which should come first, there are rules that allow them to circumvent that if need be. it looks like he s probably going to be okay. they have only like the razorist thin majority there, but the fact that he, jeff sessions, has
today a special election. it s a week from today. there was a time when the mayor corey booker looked like a singe to win the election. frankly win a full years. he s still the favorite to beat the republican, but first he appears to be limping to the finish line. a poll out shows booker a little ahead among likely voters. boy, it was a lot bigger when the race started. it s partly his own fault. he created his own mini scandal last month by exchanging tweets from a poll from oregon and fended off repeated questions for a text start up called way wire. behind the scenes, democrats have been grumbling he is too worried about his own image and
calling booker a politician with, quote, an imaginary friend with imaginary problems. paul just happens to be heading to new jersey to stump for the republican challenger for u.s. senate. finally, as it turns out anthony weiner did actually come in first place in something. he spent the most money per vote in the new york city democratic primary, $148. christine quinn spent $40 a vote. bill thompson, $32 and the primary bill de blasio, $20 per vote. and if you read only one thing this morning, this one is in the truth is stranger than fiction files. real-life mistakes people have made with their resumes. how about writing it in crayon to show your creativity or in the interest of honesty including the fact that you had served jail time for assaulting a past boss. try having that job. frommed and let me know your favorites. it s up on our facebook page at
congressman frank pallone was a distant second. flipping over to the republican side, steve lonegan promised to give booker a pretty good fight this fall. the hollywood elite have descred descended from their penthouse apartments, from the hollywood hills, to come to new jersey to tell us who our next u.s. senator will be. for a special election in the dead of summer, turnout was better than expected thanks to booker s celebrity. but that s really not saying a whole lot. only 9% of the state s 5 1/2 million registered voters made it to the polls. not the worst showing ever. in 2006, they got the dubious prize. but to give you a better sense to compare it to 85 years ago, 54% of new jersey voters cast ballots in the state senate primary. now that number is, as we noted, in the single digits it the question is how long can it go.