past with a book that s one of the world s greatest unsolved mysteries. for more than two years one classic r.c.f. from book us in northern spain has been studying the voyage manuscript thought to have been written some six hundred years ago its author is unknown and the writing remains undecided furred the images sparked the imagination but no one s sure what they mean is that the current us near of theories that the book might have been written in a kind of encoded latin. or that an alien rode while being held captive in a monastery. or that leonardo da vinci wrote it as a child i just you know there are a lot of people in the world who are currently studying the voynich manuscript to go live in this the moment. scientists have determined that the manuscript dates from the fifteenth century that s a period of time that has always especially fascinated one plus acre c.-a he s
a book that s one of the world s greatest unsolved mysteries. for more than two years one course a garcia from book us in northern spain has been studying the voyage manuscript thought to have been written some six hundred years ago its author reason known and the writing remains undecided furred the images sparked the imagination but no one s sure what they mean is that the coming down here of theories that the book might have been written in a kind of encoded latin. or that an alien road while being held captive in a monastery. or that leonardo da vinci wrote it as a child. there are a lot of people in the world who are currently studying the wanted manuscript. in this the moment. scientists have determined that the manuscript dates from the fifteenth century that s
nice according to the university of new hampshire mpt. you can t say mothering or fathering anymore because it s a gender specific. so when you are calling for your mom you have to go i don t know to say! you sound like you are making it up but the sad thing is it s absolutely true. book us in new hampshire. i m drowning but i don t know what to call you! dennis miller, a quick update on the don t be a pin head shows. charlotte and st. louis just about sold out. chicago, south florida at the hard rock, phoenix and las vegas, 85% sold out. if you want to see miller and me live please go to the website. the heat is on. do you like hot weather? the tip moments away. and sleep deprived.