THE YUGO THE RISE AND FALL OF THE WORST CAR IN THE WORLD By Jason Vuic Published by Hill and Wang, New York A Book Review By Steve Purdy Detroit BureauThe Auto Channel I met Jason Vuic during an author’s book fair at the Detroit Public Library’s National Automotive History Collection a couple weeks ago. About two-dozen authors of books about cars gathered to promote and sell their books and Vuick’s Yugo book jumped right out at me. I immediately bought one. You see, I have a history with the Yugo. Dan Burns, official photographer for the epic Cannonball One Lap of America rally, and I co-drove a specially prepared Yugo GVX in the 1968 One Lap – 8,600 miles in 8 ½ days literally circumnavigating the continental US according to a nearly non-stop endurance rally format.