has a birth certificate in hawaii? for those that would like to you run in our upcoming elects. no way, i have a country. sean: i m teasing. i m sure you re teasing. i have to tell you, i respect america. i grew up in i spent a few of my high school years in philadelphia. i visited the liberty bell many times. i know this bond. there s a liberty bell, a replica of it near my ofrs in near my office in jerusalem. it has an indescription from the book of leviticus in the bible. it says: proclaim freedom throughout the land. that s what we are about. the greatest democracy in the world. the only democracy in the middle east. i hope we have other democracies soon. there s a deep bond there. in many ways, i think i lead a country that shares so many values with america. that s why americans share this affinity to israel.
we get a couple of great reads on our blogs. see what tim has to say about his american idol experience. he got the boot wednesday night. and ray johnston s story is an inspiring one. he is playing in the nba one day, in a coma next. all that on cnn.com/larryking. pastor, do you at all hear bad when you hear stories about people who kill gay people? absolutely. larry: they got the right messages about how sinful that is that that take it to that extreme. and you add to that, don t you? i hope not. i hope i don t. larry: you paint the picture. in the old testament, i m not a biblical scholar you can t eat shellfish. do you eat shellfish? absolutely. larry: you re a sinner. no i m not. there are things, larry that are very important to keep in context here. although there are verses in the book of leviticus that say don t eat shellfish, don t wear clothes that have difficult
book of leviticus that say don t eat shellfish, don t wear clothes that have difficult materials on it, jennifer has mentioned article things in the articles she has given on coming out. god changed his mind on shellfish. larry: when did he do that? there is a wonderful passage on mankind and he gave his savior for one and for all. he changed his mind, if i can finish in acts chapter 10, to answer your question, larry, on shellfish. and cornelius has this amazing enlightenment as peter has this vision of the lord saying eat whatever you want. larry: peter may have been hungry. no pun intended. there is this grace that comes upon all of us no longer to live by the law of the old testament but when you get to the issue of homosexuality, he doesn t change his mind on that. it flows over into the new testament and it as powerfully in as it was in the old testament. larry: peter gets a vision about shellfish. what if ted gets a vision about